Tire Chain Laws By State or Province

Courtesy of www.tirechainsrequired.com


Code of Alabama 1975


Alaska statute section 28.35.155

DMV FAQ's about studded tires.   


Arizona revised statutes
section 28-958 tire equipment restrictions. 

Need more info?
Visit ADOT's Winter Driving Tips


Arkansas Code Title 27 Transportation


California vehicle code
sections 27450 to 27503.

Need more information?

Visit Chain Requirements & FAQs.

Visit Winter Maintenance & Operations

Visit Caltrans Chain Chart including ATDs


Colorado Department of Transportation 


General Statutes of Connecticut

Connecticut DMV FAQs.


Delaware Motor Vehicles Code  


Florida motor vehicle statutes

Detail: 316.299 rough surfaced wheels prohibited.


Georgia Driver Manual 2008 page 84

Georgia's Commercial Driver's Manual page 2-26


Hawaii motor vehicle statutes 291-33.


Idaho motor vehicle statutes
49-948 restrictions as to tire equipment.


See Illinois compiled motor vehicle statutes

section 12‑401


Indiana Motor Vehicle code

Chapter 18 tires (IC 9-19-18)

Search the Indiana State FAQs for tire chains and studs


Iowa motor vehicle code

321.442 projections on wheels


Kansas motor vehicle statutes

8-1742 restrictions as to tire equipment.


Kentucky revised motor vehicle statutes

190 chains and lugs on wheels.


Louisiana law

RS 32:362 restrictions as to tire equipment.  


Maine motor vehicle statutes

§1919 studded tires

§1917 tires and wheels.  


Maryland Motor Vehicle Code, studded tire exceptions in section 22-405.2  


Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Statutes section 16 offensive or illegal operation of motor vehicles.   


Michigan Vehicle Code MCL 257.710

More Information for traction devices: MCL247.171- 247.175


Minnesota statute, Chapter 169 traffic regulations, 169.72 tire surface; metal studs.     


Mississippi code

§ 63-7-67


Missouri revised statutes

§ 307.171 R.S.Mo (2004) §307.171.


Trucker's Handbook, page 7 

See Montana code annotated 2005

Title 61-9-406 motor vehicles

See snow tire options for more information


Nebraska Statute
Section 60-6,250


Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 484.230 - 484.245 on Traction Devices, Tire Chains and Snow Tires

Traction device requirements.  (DOT) Chains or snow tires are required when posted on signs

Studded snow tires legal from Oct. 1 to April 30. 


New Hampshire

New Hampshire statutes, chapter 266 equipment of motor vehicles, Section 266:50 Vehicle Tires.

New Jersey

New Jersey statutes,

Title 39 motor vehicles and traffic regulation. 

New Mexico

New Mexico statutory chapters 

§ 66-3-847.

New York

Laws of New York

Title 3, article 9 equipment of motor vehicles and motorcycles, § 375 equipment, 35 tires.

North Carolina

North Carolina general statutes, chapter 20 motor vehicles, article 3, §20‑122 restrictions as to tire equipment.

North Dakota

North Dakota Century Code

Title 39 motor vehicles, 39-21-40 


Ohio revised vehicle code

Chapter 5589 offenses relating to highways


Oklahoma Legislative Information System Statutes



ODOT's minimum chain requirements.

Oregon Administrative Rule 734-017-0005


Pennsylvania Vehicle Code 75


Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Chapter 31-23
ection 31-23-20   

South Carolina

South Carolina code of laws,
Title 56 motor vehicles
Chapter 5
Article 35
Section 56-5-5040

South Dakota

South Dakota Codified Laws, Title 32 Motor Vehicles
Chapter 32-19


Tennessee Code,
Studded tires (a) No person shall use a tire on a vehicle moved on a highway which has on its periphery any block, stud, flange, cleat, or spike or any other protuberances of a material other than rubber which project beyond the tread of the traction surface of the tire, except as otherwise provided in this section. (b) A person may operate on a highway a vehicle equipped with a tire which has imbedded in it wire or other material for improving traction on snow and ice during the period of October 1 through April 15 of each year. Such a tire shall be so constructed that the percentage of wire or other material in contact with the roadway does not exceed, after the first one thousand (1,000) miles of use or operation of any such tire, the wire or other material in contact with the roadway shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total tire area in contact with the roadway. The studded tires allowed by this subsection (b) shall not be used at any time on a vehicle with a maximum gross weight of more than none thousand pounds (9,000 lb..) , unless such a vehicle is a school bus or an emergency vehicle. (c) It is permissible to use tire chains of reasonable proportions on any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other condition tending to cause a vehicle to skid.


Texas Statutes
Transportation Code,
Title 7 vehicles and traffic, chapter 547


Utah Admin Code Rule R920-6 Snow Tire and Chain Requirements.


Vermont Statutes, Title 23 Motor Vehicles, Chapter 13 Operation of Vehicles


Chapter 10 Motor Vehicle & Equipment Safety


West Virginia

West Virginia code, and chapter 17c traffic regulations and laws of the road
Code § 17C-15-37


WI Statute 347.45. Tire equipment.

WI Administrative Code on use of studded tires (Trans 306.01 Studded tires).


Wyoming Statute, Title 31 Motor Vehicles

Canadian Chain Laws


Allowed when conditions warrant.

British Columbia

Vehicles in the mountains must be equipped with snow tires or chains from Nov 1 to Apr 30.


Permissible upon a motor vehicle where required for safety.

New Brunswick

May also be carried in the vehicle for use in ice and snow conditions.


Required on drive wheels when there is snow or ice on the surface of the highway.

Nova Scotia

Permissible upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause a vehicle to slide or skid.

Prince Edward Island

Permissible to use tire chains.


The Minister of Transport may authorize, under the conditions and for the period he determines, the use of certain types of non-skid devices for such road vehicles as he may designate.

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